I saw an opportunity
Then the opportunity that I saw saw me coming
Now things become different
At first I thought everthing will flow
Smooth like Mississippi waters into the Pacific
Smooth like Nile waters
Smooth like a basketball into the basket without touching the rim
I thought all will be smooth but then i was smoothened like a smoothie
A smile at first
A giggle followed
But a cry was the end product.
Producing cries loud that can saturate the skies is a crime for a man
Holding this cries from in within is the option
This now is the new caption. Of the feelings in my heart.
They hurt
But all in all I did it to myself
For we all know affairs of the heart hurt ...Right
Perhaps now i talk of opportunity
It knocks once
You waste it
It is gone
Then you will be torn
Till your heart
Till you fill hurt
Rip me apart
For my body part,
I feel nomore
Filled with fear
For the end was clear
I will nolonger call you dear
For it was clear
You and your peer
Never so me here
I was never there
I was told there was no war
So i was a lost soldier
Fighting no war
It seems I was dreaming
Dreaming about a war
A war that was never there.
Fair Right ?
that I go back home
Back now I go