Wednesday, May 3, 2017

No more

An admiration
Just a sensation
One that I have to mention
It takes me to another destination
One that I can not mention
A different dimension
The best sensation
My admiration

A feeling so best
Different from the rest
Right from when I took a taste
Sweeter than ice cream's  taste
It was the best
Different from the rest
The best
A sweet taste
Different; from the rest.

To my chest it went
Though it had a bad sent
To the sky I just went
I was just high
In the sky so high
I just had to fly
In the sky I had to fly
For I was taken and I went

Exam was just easy
For I was high feeling easy
A little bit dizzy
Maths was just easy
One plus one easy
The answer eleven just easy
The taste made it easy

But my results were bad
For I was high like a bird
I feel so bad
Why were my results bad?
I just feel sad
I used to be number one
Now am number one
from the bottom
So sad

I will not taste it no more
It will make me fail more
Never ever not anymore
Drugs,no more
They will make you fail more
Free for I am a temple
Free from the taste
For I want to be the best
No more.

Rain don't rain

Rain don't reign this terrain,
Shower us with no grace and no mercy ,
And this poisonous Ivy
That is killing an innocent being,
Serve no more poison to thy  inner being ,,
Sweet flower yet poison
poison to thy brain
Poison more like venom
venom running in thy vein
Healing is just but in vain
Sweet poison with venomous words
She thinks the poison can kill
Rain don't reign this terrain
Let this poisonous Ivy wither
Let it die and I win
Rain Please don't rain
So that I can reign this terrain

Let me win Rain and reign her terrain cause this poison is Killing me.

Reign her down
Take her Tiara
Take her heart down
Let me win rain
Rain don't reign her terrain

Let me win rain and reign her terrain coz this poison Ivy is killing me.


Split my chest open
Red be read on thy head
Flower flowering my  free faint heart
Hurt and hunt me down in innocence
Pretence is in its intense
Fenced wire rounding thy palace
My Knights are down
My weapons are worthless
Am I senseless

Tell me in words
Words that cut like a doubled edge sword
Tell me in words
Words shuffled like cards
Tell me in words
Words that are a visual of your inner being
Words that describe the distinct description of thy disintegrating heart 


I want to write the best poem
Why? Coz I find it hard to Please her with one
She is like Zeus in poetry
Queen of words
Yet she says am good, I believe not
Enslaved with doubt
disbelieve and unsure, the order of the day
My destination, A world full of smiles each and every day
So today
Will it be the best
Better than the rest?
Ripped apart is my chest
Delivering a poem! Better than the rest
She blinds me best
Enslave me yet I like.
Chained with honey, sweet Ooh honey
Call me honey
Whisper sweetness into my ear
For my survival I fear
My eyes will run down and up with desire
Well I feel like the best
Better than the rest
Coz she makes me that way
"Better than the rest "

She is better, better than the rest
Her eyes , A reality so true
A sweet sound like a tweet
Then tweet me
Tell me it's true
Say that am not a lair
Well I preach water
I drink water
I don't lie
Her eyes are the best
"Better than the rest "
That's just her eyes
Her smile, well the best
Different from the rest
Better than the rest
So today
I say my sweet sounding perfect tell
Her smile takes me further
A different dimension
A different destination
One that I can't mention
The best sensation
Better than the rest
Just her smile
Her inner innocent soul, like Chocolate
Dark but sweet
Fires of sweetness
Poison but passion, sweetness
My thoughts now clear
She makes me the best
Better than the rest
Well today
On her best day
I utter this
She is the best
Better than the rest